Welcome to Heroes Academy
We are Heroes Academy. A place where everyone can reach their full potential – physically and mentally.
Our focus is on the development of sporting leaders from any starting point. Our specialism is Martial Arts where we adopt cutting edge techniques, learning and personal growth mechanisms to expand each of our members. Whether your goal is to be competition ready, or simply to be in better physical and mental shape, our professional team is dedicated to enable you on your journey. If you’re a sporting professional and want to gain a top accreditation for coaching and sports leadership then look no further.
We have a coaches community to support and develop independent sports coaches and athletes.
We have a deep interest in working with and supporting the community – ranging from schools, corporate and educational establishments to not for profit NGO establishments wishing to make a difference. Our CSR arm, Heroes for Good was established to literally ‘do good’ through our Academy and our students. We have lots of exciting plans so watch this space.
Our Academy has two divisions – Technical Programmes and Development ‘Human Potential’.
Technical Programmes
Balance is key. We believe that developing your mental muscle and health is equally as important as your physical development.